One World Trade Center
After 9/11 the NYPA and NYFD first responders required a more robust Communications System for the New World Trade Center.
FAA Denver Airport
FAA engineers chose Puleo PE103-RTU Annunciators to monitor aircraft communication channels at Denver Airport Facilities.

FAA Denver Airport
FAA engineers chose Puleo PE103-RTU Annunciators to monitor aircraft communication channels at Denver Airport Facilities.

Hong Kong International
Hong Kong airport uses Puleo’s Remote Alarm Monitoring System to manage critical alarms at various airport locations.
Lower Colorado River
Lower Colorado River Authority uses Puleo PE103 Annunciators in Autotransformers installed at substations throughout Texas.

Lower Colorado River
Lower Colorado River Authority uses Puleo PE103 Annunciators in Autotransformers installed at substations throughout Texas.

Pacific Gas & Electric
PG&E has used Puleo PE725 Alarm Annunciators in their substations since 1975.
Panama Canal
Puleo Electronics provided alarm monitoring in the Generators at Madden’s hydroelectric power plant, Panama Canal.

Panama Canal
Puleo Electronics provided alarm monitoring in the Generators at Madden’s hydroelectric power plant, Panama Canal.

Kuwait Oil Company
Kuwait Oil water management system provides Emergency Shutdown and Fire & Gas alarm monitoring at several locations.
Key Customers
A list of our Key Customers.

Key Customers
A list of our Key Customers.